This morning, while I was in the garden tying up the flowers that last night's wind had blown down, two 'Boys’ met on the street near me, and stopped to talk about some plan that was to give them "lots of fun."

"I tell you it'll be just the jolliest thing we've ever done," said one of them. "Almost every boy I've seen has promised to help."

"Have you seen Jo Fielding?" asked the other.

"Not yet," was the reply. "You think he'll go with us, don't you?"

"I'm afraid not," was the answer. "He's such a queer fellow, you know."

"Yes, I know Jo's queer," said the other lad;

"But he's as fond of sport as any of us." Just then I heard a cheery whistle down the street.

"There's Jo, now," exclaimed the boys. "We'll ask him about it." Jo came along, whistling like a bird. It did me good to listen to his tunes; they seemed to be his good spirits bubbling over.

"Hello, Jo! You're just the chap we want to see," said one of the boys. "Do you want some fun?"

"Of course," answered Jo. "I'm always ready for that, you know."

"Then you'll go with us tonight? Just the jolliest time you ever heard of!"

"Well, that depends," said Jo. "I can't promise until I know what it is." Then the boys explained their plan. I did not hear what it was; but I heard Jo's answer. It came, prompt and decided; "Can't do it."

"Why not?" asked the boys.

"Because it wouldn't be right," answered Jo, "that's why."

"I don't see how you can make that out," said one of the boys. "It's just for fun, you know."

"But you know as well as I that what you're going to do isn't right," said Jo. "You can't make right out of wrong by calling it fun. I like real fun as well as the next one; but I can't take part in such fun as this."

"Oh, come, Jo, don't preach!" said the other boy. "You aren't afraid, are you?"

"Yes," answered Jo, with the light of the best and noblest kind of courage shining in his eyes,

"I'm afraid to do what isn't right."

How I wanted to tell him that he was on the right road to a useful and honorable manhood! It is the fear to do wrong, and the courage to do right, that has brought about all that is noblest and best in the way of reform. Have courage to say "no," boys, when tempted to do that which your conscience tells you is not right.—



The Well-Spring.