There are men in New York who search for things that fall from vessels in the harbor. 

One of the most noted of these is the son of Henry Linesburgh, who was for fifty years acknowledged to be the best wrecker, grappler, and searcher in America, who raised 36,000 bars of railroad iron; recovered no end of anchors that were supposed to be lost; made $50 an hour for twenty hours at a stretch by fishing up eighty-four iron plates, weighing 1400 pounds each, that were made for the first iron monitor by Dela mater. His son pursues the same business, having thoroughly learned where all the holes, crevices, and notches in the rocks are. 

Several days ago a merchant lost in the river a valuable watch, the turquoise shell chain suddenly breaking. 

Mr. Linesburgh went down to the slip in a rowboat and put down a pair of tongs twenty-six feet long into a hole he happened to know near the end of the pier, and fished up the watch, and sent it back to its owner. He knew the tide swept all the heavy articles into the hole when the ebb set in.


 FOR a few brief days the orchards 

are white with blossoms. They soon 

turn to fruit, or else float away, useless 

and wasted, upon the idle breeze. 

So will it be with present feelings. 

They must be deepened into decision 

or be entirely dissipated by delay. 

Theodore Ouyler.