THE True 


THERE were three men walking up a steep hill, each very tired, with a heavy burden on his back. 

Then there stepped up to them a strong, kind man, who said to them, "Let me take your burdens, I will carry them for you." But the first man said, "I have no burden," for he had carried his burden so long that it seemed like his clothes, or like part of his body, so that he did not feel it, and did not know how much better he could walk without it. So the first man would not have his burden touched. 

The second man was very selfish and unkind himself, and he thought all other people must be selfish and unkind, so he said, You want to play me some trick; I do not believe you want to carry my burden; I will not let you touch it." 

The third man was very tired indeed, and was saying to himself, "Oh, who can help me? For I feel that I cannot carry this terrible weight any further;" and when he felt the stranger touch him on the shoulder, and offer to take his burden, he said at once, "It is very kind of you; I am very thankful; please take it, for I see you can bear it, and I cannot." 

The strong one is Jesus. The burden is sin. 

If we do not feel our sin, Jesus cannot bear it for us. 

If we do not trust him, he cannot bear it. But if we are tired of our sins, and turn from them, and trust in Jesus, he will take the terrible weight of our sins away. 


AND what was the consequence? Why, one of the largest steamships ever built, the Great Britain, which cost two hundred thousand pounds in building, and left port in fine trim, with a company of three hundred souls on board and a rich cargo, was wrecked, in a dark and stormy night, on the most dangerous part of the coast of Ireland. 

Yet the captain and his officers were on the lookout; the chart was well examined; the usual precautions seemed to have been taken. But a light appeared which was not noted on the chart, and the captain was misled by it. He mistook it for another light, which was on the chart, and so when he supposed he was running out to sea, he was really running in upon the breakers. Such was the mistake, and so terrible were the consequences! 

Every reader of these lines is voyaging on a dangerous sea, where thousands of false lights are 

lighted to deceive. Let all remember that the only true guide is to keep close to the unerring chart of 

Holy Scripture. Trust to no other guide. Trust to no other light.

—Child's Own Magazine. 


How beautiful the language of Solomon, when in a dream by night the Lord appeared to him, and said: "Ask what I shall give thee."  Solomon had been anointed king over Israel. In his expressions to the Lord he says, "I am but a little child; 

I know not how to go out or come in." With such a great people to reign over, that could not be counted for multitude, it is not to be wondered that he felt as a child, with such great responsibility resting upon him. His desire that he might have understanding to discern and judge rightly so pleased the Lord that wisdom was given him; and none before or after him were to be as wise as was Solomon. 

It is the privilege of every one to ask for that wisdom which cometh from above,—the wisdom that will make us wise unto salvation, and guide our feet in right paths; so that our way may be pleasant and peaceful. God is well pleased to have us seek his face, and believe and trust his word. 

To fear him is the beginning of wisdom. If we seek his guidance and direction in all things, he will keep our  "going out and coming in from this time forth even for evermore."



LITTLE Marion had been trying to do something very good, and had not succeeded. Her aunt hearing her complain, said: "God gives us many things to do, but don't you think he gives us something to be just as well!" 

Marion looked up with penitent eyes, and said, "I will think about being, if you will help me." 

"God says, 'Be kindly affectioned one to another.' 

'Be ye also patient.'  'Be ye thankful.' 'Be not conformed to this world.'  'Become as little children.' 'Be ye therefore perfect.' "Be courteous.' "Be not wise in your own conceits. 'Be not overcome of evil.'  We cannot be what God loves without doing all that he commands. It is easier to do with a rush than to be patient, or unselfish, or humble, or watchful." 

"I think it is," returned Marion. "I see now that doing grows out of being."—
