A BRIGHT, four-year-old boy in a friend's family was feeling tired as the day drew to a close, and came to his mother that he might say his evening prayer before going to bed.

“Wait a little while, Ernie," said his mother;

"I am busy writing a letter. When that is done, you may say your prayers."

The little fellow waited a minute or two very patiently, and then coming back to his mother said,—

"Mamma, don't you think prayers are more precious than writing letters God can't wait."

Ernie's mother laid aside her letter at the gentle rebuke, and the evening prayer took its right place first.

The apostle Paul says, "I exhort, therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men."  1 Timothy 2:1. We too often neglect the prayers till everything else is attended to. But we should" seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness.'

If the Lord had not bidden us to come boldly to his throne, we never should have dared to come; but since he has bidden us thus to come, how dare we stay away?  He is waiting for us,—waiting to be gracious. Shall we keep him waiting?  Would we make a king, or a ruler wait for us?  How much less should we expect the Lord to wait on our delays.




Little Christian.