So said an old ship-captain to me, when describing a fearful storm at sea. When he told of the awful gale—the vivid lightning, the billows mountain high, the ship tossed about like a plaything for the rude winds and waves to buffet—then the voice became softened, his eye glistened amid tears, as he added: "But, madam, He who sends the storm, steers the vessel; and at last we were brought safe into port." 

"That is a very comforting thought, captain," said I. "I wish we could all remember it when storms are raging, and there seems little hope of peace and safety." 

"Yes, ma'am, it is a great comfort; and if we only believe and trust, all will be well. When the storms of adversity sweep over us, and the sunshine seems shut out forever by the clouds of sorrow—when we cry aloud, in our anguish, All Thy waves and billows have gone over me,'—let this ray of light into the sinking heart, and all will be right in His good time. The clouds will disperse, the sunshine glisten over the waters, and mighty winds and waves, at His voice, will cease 'their raging, and there will be `a great calm'—that peace of God which passeth all understanding." 

"WHATSOEVER thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; "that is, do it thoroughly. 

If work is to be done so as to give satisfaction, it must be done thoroughly. Nothing must be slurred over, nothing left to chance. Your whole energy must be thrown into it; your thoughts must be given to it; 

your labor must be given to it. Never let any work leave your hands till you can in truth and honor say you have done your best, your very best. 

Thoroughness is a hard virtue, but it pays.