A LADY was walking along a road near a large town, when she overtook three ragged children.

The eldest, a boy of about ten years, carried a little infant wrapped in a piece of old carpet. It was not the tattered garments, shoeless feet, and pale countenances which attracted her attention, but the pleasant manner in which they talked together as they walked before her. The baby seemed the point of attraction to the group, and many means were resorted to keep it happy and make it comfortable. James tried to whistle for it and to rock it gently, and -the bit of old carpet was pulled this way and that to make it cover the little creature.

The lady walked slowly, in order to keep behind them and to listen to their pleasant, voices, for their words were words of love. No angry reply or sullen voice did she hear. At length, coming near a cake shop, she called them in. She bought them each a bun, and gave them a penny apiece.

They thanked her with looks of delight. She watched them, expecting and hoping to see them eat their buns; but to her surprise, after a little talk among themselves, they put them into an old basket, and-walked off. She overtook them, and asked,—

"Are you not hungry, my children? Why do you not eat your buns?"

The pure joy of benevolence lighted up their pale faces, as one replied: "O yes. We are hungry, but we are keeping the buns for father.

Poor father has been ill and lost his teeth, and he can't eat the hard bread."

These children lived in a cellar in a large town.

Their father was a street-sweeper, and, though very poor, he had what many people lack,—the love of his children. It was a little act, but we may believe that the poor father was rich, for his children loved him. The lady visited the cellar where the poor children lived, and though lacking almost every comfort, it was a home where love dwelt; and she could add that she believed that cellar-home was not destitute of the love of God.

Far happier were these children, whose love to their father so filled their hearts as to make them willing to lay aside the-tempting bun, than are those whose only thought is to gratify their own desires.



