"ALL wanting the same place makes a great deal of trouble in this world," said mamma, thoughtfully. "Shall I tell you a little story about it--something I know is true?"

"O yes, do!" chimed the children.

"It is a very sad story, but I will tell it to you," she went on, "and the next time that you are tempted to be selfish, stop and think of it.

Once, long ago, there were four children playing stagecoach, just as you have been doing now, and just like you, they all wanted the first place. Instead of playing on a log, however, they were in the spreading branches of a willow tree.

"I want to drive,' said Lucy, settling herself in the driver's seat.

"No, let me drive,' and Henry climbed up beside her. 'Let me sit there.'

"But Lucy did not move.

"'Let me there,' repeated Harry, giving her a slight push, and crowding his way on the same branch where she sat. You must let me drive.'

"A moment more, a sudden crash, and they were on the ground. The branch had broken.

"Harry was on his feet instantly, trying to raise his sister, but there was a sharp cry of pain, then she lay very still. Mother and father came running out of the house, and gently lifted the little fainting form, from which the arm hung limp and broken. There was sorrow and crying, but it was too late; nothing could turn aside the weeks of suffering and pain that must be borne before the little girl could take her place again among the other children. I think they all learned a lesson of loving unselfishness in those weary days, each trying who could bring the most brightness and happiness into the dreary hours. I was that little girl, and I learned to appreciate little kindnesses as I had never done before. It was then that I learned something else, too—something I want you all to remember," and mamma looked long at the little group. "It is, Even Jesus pleased not himself.'"


