A LITTLE girl was saying her prayers one evening, closing up with, "God bless papa and mamma, 

little sister and everybody, and keep us from harm this night. Amen." 

The little sister, a bright-eyed puss of five years, quietly remarked,: 

"If you'd said 'everybody' to begin with, you needn't have made such a long prayer." 

Many of our prayers might be shortened, by leaving out things which we ask for and do not expect to receive; but the prayer for "everybody" is a very good prayer; and it is perfectly right to mention with "everybody" those who are near and dear to us, and those whom we know to stand in special need of divine help and wisdom. 

We are to do good to all men as we have opportunity; but there are those around us whom we have opportunity to benefit, and we are to take special pains to benefit them. Just so while we pray for all, it is right to remember especially those near to us, or whose wants we know and feel. 

"I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men. 

For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth: I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting." 

1 Timothy 2:1-4, 8. 


A GENTLEMAN sat beside an open window one summer day, and saw a little bird flying about in great alarm. A fierce hawk was swooping down to seize it in his 'cruel talons. There was no hiding place in leafy tree or shady vine, no cleft in the gray stone wall. But in its fright it 'flew right in at this open window, and took refuge, panting, under the coat of the gentleman beside it. It was tenderly cared for until the danger was past, and then it was set free to sing a glad song of rejoicing. 

But a sweeter song sang itself in the heart of this good man, who was Charles Wesley, a devout Christian, and a great preacher; and taking his pen, he wrote the beautiful hymn we all so love to sing:— 

"Jesus, lover of my soul, 

Let me to thy bosom fly. " 

How much we all owe to that little bird! 

How many hearts have been comforted by those precious words, and how many more will be before they are forgotten. I do not believe they ever will be forgotten. 

Think of that little bird, dear children, when you are in any trouble, and remember that you may fly to Jesus for safety, for he is our hiding place. As the hymn says:— 

"All my trust on thee is stayed, 

All my help from thee I bring; 

Cover my defenseless head 

With the shadow of thy wing." 

Will you not learn this beautiful hymn? 

—Morning Light. 

THE only true way to be happy, is to take the drops of happiness as God gives them to us every day of our lives. The boy must learn to be happy while he is plodding over his lessons, the apprentice while he is learning his trade, the merchant while he is making his fortune. If he fails to learn this art, he will be sure to miss his enjoyment when he gains what he has sighed for.