WE don't know what her name was. She was on board the same train where we were riding. We couldn't tell whether her dress was silk or calico, nor whether her hair was in curls or braids. Her father and mother were with her, and a young lady who may have been her sister, and a little boy whom she called her brother.

The train had stopped to wait for another going the other way. It was a through train, and we had been riding several hours, so some of us improved the time in taking a lunch. 

Just then we heard a pleasant voice say, "Please, papa, will you lend me your knife?" We looked around, and saw the little girl we are writing about.

After a while the sun shone into our side of the car, and we changed to a vacant seat behind the little girl who said "please." Her smiling countenance and gentle ways made it a real pleasure to watch her. She was cutting an apple, which she carefully pared, and passed the pieces round, reserving the smallest for herself. 

When she was through using the knife, she closed it, and said, "Thank you," as she handed it to her father.

All along the journey she showed the same thoughtful politeness. When her little brother got tired waiting at the station, she told him stories, not fairy stories, but those she had learned at Sabbath-school. Then we thought, this is part of the secret of her gentle ways. She learned at Sabbath-school to be thoughtful of others, and that is one of the best rules for true politeness.

We sometimes think that these little courtesies are of no consequence, that 

"Thank you," and "Please," are a waste of words, but they are like the sunshine which brightens the winter days. When we solicit or receive a favor, the least we ought to do is to acknowledge it by courteous words. 

If the children cultivate a respectful and polite manner at home, they will have it ready for use when abroad, and as they grow older, it will help admit them to the society of the good and wise.

Toward night we left the train. 

The little girl and her friends were journeying farther. We do not know where they went, nor have we heard from them since, but we often remember her, and we like to think of her. Little girl, was it you? Or at least do you say please, as she did? 

The Myrtle.

CHEERFULNESS is what is needed in our homes. And what can make a home more cheerful than cheerful, bright children? A cheerful boy is never thought such a terrible nuisance about a house, and a cheerful girl is a perfect little beam of sunlight, that penetrates the darkest corners of the house, and almost makes the old clock put on a pleasant face.