THE energy that wins success begins to develop very early in life. The characteristics of the boy will commonly prove those of the man, and the best characteristics of young life should be encouraged and educated in the wisest possible manner. 

The following story strongly illustrates this truth. 

About thirty years ago, said Judge P, I stepped into a bookstore in Cincinnati in search of some books that I wanted. While there, a little ragged boy of twelve years of age came in and inquired for a geography. 

"Plenty of them," was the salesman's reply. 

"How much do they cost?" 

"One dollar, my lad." 

"I did not know they were so much." 

He turned to go out, and even opened the door, but closed it again, and came back. 

"I've got sixty-one cents," said he; "could you let me have a geography, and wait a little while for the rest of the money?" 

How eagerly his little bright eyes looked for an answer, and how he seemed to shrink within his ragged clothes, when the man, not very kindly, told him he could not. The disappointed little fellow looked up at me with a very pox attempt to smile, and left the store. I followed and over-took him. 

"And what now?" I asked. 

"Try another place, sir." 

"Shall I go, too, and see how you succeed?" 

"O yes, if you like," he said in surprise. 

Four different stores I entered with him, and each time he was refused. 

"Will you try again?" I asked. 

"Yes, sir; I shall try them all, or I should not know whether I could get one." 

We entered the fifth store, and the little fellow walked up manfully and told the gentleman just what he wanted and how much he had. 

"You want the book very much?" asked the proprietor. 

"Yes, very much." 

"Why do you want it so very much?" 

"To study, sir. I can't go to school, but I study when I can at home. All the boys have got one, and they will get ahead of me. Besides, my father was a sailor, and I want to learn of the places where he used to go." 

"Well, my lad, I will tell you what I will do; I will let you have a new geography, and you may pay me the remainder of the money when you can, or I will let you have one that is not quite new for fifty cents." 

"Are the leaves all in it, and just like the other, only not new?" 

"Yes, just like the new one." 

"It will do just as well, then, and I will have eleven cents left towards buying some other books. 

I am glad they did not let me have one at the other places." 

Last year I went to Europe on one of the finest vessels that ever plowed the waters of the Atlantic. We had beautiful weather until very near the end of the voyage; then came a terrible storm that would have sunk all on board had it not been for the captain. Every spar was laid low, the rudder was almost useless, and a great leak had shown itself, threatening to fill the ship. 

The crew were all strong, willing men, and the mates were all practical seamen of the first class; but after pumping for one whole night, and the water still gaining upon them, they gave up in despair, and prepared to take to the boats, though they might have known no small boat could live in such a sea. 

The captain, who had been below with his chart, now came up. He saw how matters stood, and with a voice that I distinctly heard above the roar of the tempest, ordered every man to his post. 

"I will land you safe at the dock in Liverpool," said he, "if you will be men." 

He did land us safely; but the vessel sank moored to the dock. The captain stood on the deck of the sinking vessel, receiving the thanks and blessings of the passengers as they passed down the gang plank. As I passed, he grasped my hand and said,— 

"Judge P, do you recognize me?" 

I told him I was not aware that I ever saw him until I stepped aboard of his vessel. 

"Do you not remember that boy in Cincinnati?" 

"Very well, sir; William Haverly." 

"I am he," he said. "God bless you!" And God bless noble Captain Haverly.


NEVER give promises that you cannot fulfill. 

Never laugh at the misfortunes of others. 

Never send a present, hoping for one in return. 

Never fail to be punctual at the time appointed.

Never make yourself the hero of your own story. 

Never make much of your own doings. 

Never fail to give a polite answer to a civil question. 

Never read letters which you may find addressed to others. 

Never question a servant or child about family matters.