Jesus As A Son


In His own early life He illustrated the dutiful subordination proper in the child to the parent.  Notwithstanding the urgency of His Father’s business, which he could but anticipate even in boyhood, He went back from the temple and the miring doctors with Joseph and Mary and came to Nazareth and was subject unto them.

“The blossom of His inner life, which had opened and spread abroad its first fragrance in the temple, was to continue expanding in the obscurity of Nazareth; and Mary was to wait eighteen years, keeping all those sayings in her heart, before anything else unprecedented should occur.  But the ineffably grave character of His work did not bury out of His sight the relationship ordained of His Father. Hanging on the cross, bearing a load the like of which never lay on any other, His eye found out the guardian of his early human life, and His wise foresight provided for her: “Woman behold thy Son!”  To The disciple:

“Behold thy mother!”  And John, who had a good social position, from that hour ….took her unto his own home.”

O sons of those self-sacrificing mothers, who even now may be lonely, feeble and hungry for sympathy and affection, I do not say to you be manly, be grateful, be loyal, be tender, be chivalrous; all this one might say. But I do say to you, be Christ-like; and before you provide for yourself, and before you set up your own home, see that there be shelter, love and care for her whom you learned, when you learned little else, to call mother.


John Hall


“Well, my boy, so you are going to try your fortune in the city?  I tell you it is a dangerous ocean to launch your raft on,” said a man to his neighbor’s son.

“Yes, sir,” answered the lad, taking his Bible from his pocket; but you see I have a safe compass to steer by.”

“Stick to it, stick to it,” cried the man.” And the devil may blow hot or blow cold, he can’t hurt so much as a hair of your head.”




“Don’t tell mother” are words which we sometimes hear from young lips, and though we may not know the circumstance

That called them forth, we are never favorably impressed with the speaker

WE look upon him with suspicion, feeling that he is guilty of misconduct that needs a vigilant eye to detect, and faithfulness on the part of someone to correct.

We were going to give you a talk upon this subject, but we have something so good from the pen of another that we give you the following extract from it.  If the practice of hiding things from mother is indulged by any of the readers, we hope they will read and re-read what is here said, and let it be the means of producing a reform in their lives:

“When I hear the young exclaiming, Don’t let mother see this!  Hide it away; Don’t tell mother where I am going, so I tremble for their safety.  The action which will not bear the kind scrutiny of a mother’s love, will shink into shame at the look of God.  Little feet that begin life by going where mother does not approve, will not easily learn to walk in the narrow way of the Lord’s commandments.

“’Don’t tell mother!’ has been a rallying cry of Satan’s best recruits for hundreds of years. From disregard of mother’s rule at home, springs reckless disregard of th laws of society.

‘Don’t tell mother!’ is a sure step downward—th first seat in those easy cars of habit, which glide so swiftly and so silently, with their freight of souls, toward the precipice of ruin.

“The bet nd safest way is always to tell mother.  Who is so forgiving as she?  Who is so faithful?  Who is si patient?  Through nights of wearisome watching, through days of wearing anxiety, through sickness and through health, through better and through worse, a mother’s love has been unfailing. It is a spring that never becomes dry.

Confide, dear young reader, in your mother; do nothing which she has forbidden; consult her about your actions; treat her ever with reverential love.  It has been the crowning glory of truly good and great men, that, hen hundreds nd thousands bowed in admiration at their feet, they gave honor to their mothers. A good mother is a gift to thank God for forever.  Happy are they who early learn to appreciate her worth.

Boys and girls never go where a ‘don’t tell mother’ is necessary to cover your footsteps.”



M. J. C.